Board of Trustees
Monica Meckes – President
Jim Hollis – Vice President
Lisa Appleby – Secretary/Treasurer
Ashley Bennett
Amy Hoover
Anne Lewis
Corey Meckes
Sheila Whisker
Iva Jean Price
Colleen Shotts
Robin Swindell
Randolph Thompson, Jr
Elizabeth Winck
The Board meets monthly at 7pm on the fourth Monday of each month (except July and December) at the Library. All meetings are open to the public.
Resources for Trustees:
Office of Commonwealth Libraries
Pennsylvania Resources for Libraries
Library Board Training and Resources
Working Together: Roles and Responsibilities Guidelines
Pennsylvania Library Association
This list is only open to those who serve Pennsylvania public libraries as trustees. If your name does not already appear as a subscriber on the FOR-TRUSTEES-FROM-STATE-LIB mailing list, please ask your library director to send a list of your library’s trustee emails to dmegdad@pa.gov so you may receive information from the Office of Commonwealth Libraries and be subscribed to this mailing list. Alternately, to join the PA-TRUSTEE-TALK listserv and also receive email from FOR-TRUSTEES-FROM-STATE-LIB, send an email to dmegdad@pa.gov stating that you are a public library trustee in Pennsylvania and would like to join the PA-TRUSTEE-TALK listserv. Please provide your name and the name of your library.
FOR-TRUSTEES-FROM-STATE-LIB (Please see PA-Trustee-Talk)
This is a distribution only list from the Office of Commonwealth Libraries to those that serve Pennsylvania public libraries as trustees.